Friday, May 05, 2006

How Many Steps Ahead Should You Be?

I have been reading The Big Moo here and there to stimulate my thinking over the past few months and I came across a great challenge.

The author of the chapter I read last night suggests that you should be three steps ahead. One step isn’t enough because once your done working with your idea it’s too late. Two steps is tempting as it means everyone’s understands your idea, but it’s those that are three steps ahead that win.

“Three steps changes the game. Organizations that think three steps ahead are groundbreakers and pathfinders. They’re the ones inventing the next generation…”

This is the year I want to start thinking three steps ahead! What new ground do we need to break? What new paths do we need to travel on? What do we need to invent, create, or re-create to reach the next generation with the gospel?

And this doesn’t just apply to my ministry! What about being three steps ahead as a husband? What about being three steps ahead as a father?