Thursday, August 16, 2007

Leading With A Limp

This week I am reading a leadership book, Leading with a Limp by Dan Allender. I am through the introduction and 1st chapter and my highlighter has almost run out. Several things have grabbed my heart and some scare me to death just from the introduction:

- Prepare now to admit to your staff that you are the organization's chief sinner.
- What I am calling you to, however, is far more that they mere acknowledgment of your shortcomings. I'm suggesting an outright dismantling of them - in the open and in front of those you lead.
- Everyone of your weaknesses is the doorway not only to better character but to leadership dividends so enormous that avoiding the necessary risk is utter foolishness.
- Life requires surrender for us to gain what we desire.
- To broaden your effectiveness, you have to narrow your focus.
- To grow in confidence, connectedness, and success, you have to admit for all you are a failure.
- Few leaders operate out of confidence built on anything but the cumbling foundation of arrogance. Few know peace that is not dependent on performance. Few exercise freedom and creativity that are not bound to conventionality.