Friday, June 20, 2008

Holy Water

The other day I saw an object in my lawn that didn't belong there. IT WAS LITER! I was furious. Seriously, I love my lawn. It's like my fourth child! I protect it at all cost! When I got to the piece of liter I saw that it was a bottle and that the bottle had been opened. As I approached the bottle I noticed that there was some writing on the bottle. It say these two words -


The bottle was empty. Was it a sign from God? Who would make such a bottle? Is this the balm of Gilead Tony Jones was telling me about that they are selling at the Church Basement Roadshow? Is this a blessing or a curse? Did Fritz bring this back from his trip to the Holy Land and drop it from a plane as he flew over this beloved state? Maybe it's a subtle hint from one of my neighbors that I need some help as a youth pastor?

Is this better for my lawn than Scott's fertilizer and revive?

All I know is that I have an empty bottle of HOLY WATER on my lawn and I'm not touching it!