Thursday, July 03, 2008

Vintage Fritz Dale

We had a great time with Fritz on Tuesday night during our debrief time after the evening Rally. It was quite a site to see Fritz sitting in our circle of 29. He was the youth pastor at our church for 17 years. I was so excited that our students got to spend some time with Fritz. It was a special time for all of us leaders (Dave, Kelly, Carey and myself) as Fritz was our youth pastor!

We experienced Vintage Fritz. After he told the students the story of Julie and I getting lost with him on a backpacking trip while we were in high school, he asked our student this question, "Where have you seen God working in your high school ministry?" He then asked each leader a specific question about their relationship with Jesus. It was awesome! My question was, "Dan, what question do you have for me?" Whew...I got off easy. I asked Fritz to speak to our students about the one thing he would want them to walk away with from our time with him.

He told a very personal story from his life about a time tough time he went through and he was longing for a vacation to get away and relax and refresh. He believed that getting away from Littleton would help him overcome the trouble. While he was doing the dishes one night he felt Jesus was impressing this question on his heart,

"Am I enough?"

Despite the tough circumstances you'll face in high school, "Is Jesus going to be enough for you high school students?" It was a PRIVILEGE to have Fritz with our group.

After we were done Fritz stayed around to sign the student's Bibles...just kidding!