Friday, July 28, 2006

A picture says a 1,000 words

Here is the latest picture of the three kids taken yesterday. I am so thankful for these three gifts! Trust me, this wasn't the first shot we took! It was like herdingg cats to get them all looking at the camera.

If all things going according to plan you're looking at the graduating classes of 2020, 2022, 2024. It seems so far away. It's funny because when you talk to the parents of seniors in the hallway of the church or in the welcome center they can remember their senior being this age just like it was yesterday.

We are excited for another year of life and we'll wait until they all are in elementary school before we start thinking about the commencement ceremony!


Pat R said...

What a great picture! I've saved it to my screensaver. Thanks for sharing.

Kristen said...

oh, please send me one of these! They are so cute! You have great kids!