Thursday, August 31, 2006
Meeting new students
Last night we had our fall kick off at Clement Park - The Amazing Race! It was a great event for many reasons, but there is one reason that grabs my heart this morning: meeting students who don't go to church! They were everywhere last night! It was great to see students from several high schools showing up for this cultivating event! I got the chance to meet everyone and actually have conversations with them before and after the event. One thing I am finding at these events is that there are more and more students in our area that have never been to church! It wasn't “church” last night, but it was God's people! It was our students cultivating relationships with new students. It was beautiful to watch! It is nights like these that ignite my passion for student ministry and remind me that I am still plowing in the right field!
Tomatoes on your butt

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Standing at the door

I just stood there thanking God for the gift of these three individuals. I am looking forward to building into these three gifted individuals over the next year. I am realizing that having three new people in the office changes what I do when I am in the office. My routines from the past couple of years are gone! I need to be there to answer questions, talk through issues, etc…
Standing at the door and seeing the change made me realize I can embrace the changes or fight them. Even though I stayed around it doesn't mean my old habits of doing things can!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Atv's and the Ramsey case

As we headed back home we drove

The Insider

The authors suggest that there are six life patterns that make an Insider:
1. Taking little initiatives
2. Praying and responding
3. Serving and being served
4. Teaming up
5. Conversing the faith
6. Letting the Scriptures speak, and
7. Midwifing the conversion
All seven of these are great and it was awesome to listen to each person on our staff speak to which one of these caught their attention on the first read. For me it was taking little initiatives with people. I will read this book once a year!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Tiger Woods - Swing Portrait

Watching this video made me stop and think about what it would look like to watch what I do in slow motion. I know it sounds weird, but I think there’s some great value in being able to film every movement of your “swing” to see where you need improvement. I can’t film all that I do, but I can seek the advice and counsel of those who watch me every week. I can take time to get away once a month to see where I’ve been and where I am headed. I can read books that challenge me. I've got close friends who watch over me. I've got a wife that sharpens me.
I never want to stop looking for my perfect “swing” in ministry.
Tiger Woods - Swing Portrait
What a weekend!
This weekend was absolutely GREAT! It started off Friday with a birthday party for my buddy Paul! Saturday morning I got the privilege to perform the baby dedication for my niece Logan. Saturday night we celebrated Jan’s 60th birthday with dinner at Hops and a night at the Heritage Square Music Hall. Sunday morning I got the privilege to preach in our summer series on Psalm 27. That was followed up by lunch with some families from the Adult Community Julie attends on Sunday mornings…and FINALLY, we ended the night with our nephew Tanner’s first birthday party! I slept REAL well last night!
Friday, August 25, 2006
A thirteen year old?
Tim pointed me to an article about this 13-year-old first baseman for Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, who stands an imposing 6-foot-8 and weighs 256 pounds. You’ve got to be kidding me. It’s worth seeing to believe. He played in the Little League World Series.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
My second office
I love my second office. It has four different kinds of coffee. It has free whole grain bread sliced that I can dip into olive oil. It has a huge table I can spread out all my stuff. It has ice-cold water that always has a fresh lemon in it. It has HIGH SPEED wireless. I can check my email. I can study. I can read. I can prepare my Sunday messages. I can meet students from our community. I can meet people in our community that don't go to our church. I can eat lunch...I always pick two. Basically, I can be ADD!
I love Panera Bread Company!
I love Panera Bread Company!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Is small the new BIG?
Seth Godin just released his new book which I have yet to purchase, but the title has caught my attention, “small is the new big.” The first thing I think of is the church and whether or not that that statement is true. Are smaller churches the new big? In an age of church growth and youth ministries with 100,000 dollar budgets, could it be that smaller churches and smaller youth ministries are the new big? Could it be that small now has the advantage? What are the advantages to being small? Thoughts from those who are small and from those who are big?
Yeah, I’ll be buying this book! Here’s a riff from Seth Godin’s blog on small being the new big!
Yeah, I’ll be buying this book! Here’s a riff from Seth Godin’s blog on small being the new big!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Football, seniors and spiritual leadership

What a prayer request to start the year off! Today marks the start of school for the students in Jefferson County (the largest number of our students attend Jeffco schools) and I can’t think of a better request to pray for him and all of our seniors as they head into the new school year!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Einstein Bros. Bagels gets it

The Jesus Creed

Here’s the clincher…after I read this book I emailed Mr. McKnight to thank him for writing this book and he emailed me back the same day! I can't get people down the hall in the church to do that! :) Buy two copies of this book! Buy one for yourself and one to give away! You can also check out the Jesus Creed blog under my links!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Is Starbucks starting to lose?
Jon the Canadian points us to the reason he fell in love with Starbucks (he doesn't like their coffee) and the reason his love is fading in an interesting letter here.
Starbucks was ahead of the curve when it created an "experience" for everyone, even those who don't like their coffee. They nailed the right brain function of design which Daniel Pink believes is going to be crucial to possess if you're going to make a difference in the future. It made a difference for Jon, but is it possible for Starbucks to start losing people because they are seeking so many avenues to make an influence in? How do you stay what made you who you are while seeking to grow? Jon proves the point that design matters and it can create tremendous amount of loyalty.
Starbucks was ahead of the curve when it created an "experience" for everyone, even those who don't like their coffee. They nailed the right brain function of design which Daniel Pink believes is going to be crucial to possess if you're going to make a difference in the future. It made a difference for Jon, but is it possible for Starbucks to start losing people because they are seeking so many avenues to make an influence in? How do you stay what made you who you are while seeking to grow? Jon proves the point that design matters and it can create tremendous amount of loyalty.
I love my day off

I love Saturday, but Sunday's coming!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Practicing Greatness

1. Self-awareness, 2. Self-management, 3. Self-development, 4. Mission, 5. Decision-making, 6. Belonging 7. Aloneness.
On the whole, I didn't take much away from this read. Although, the chapter that spoke most to my heart is the need to practice being alone, but this isn't anything new to me or anyone who knows me well. I realized that I need to plan being alone in my calendar or it's never going to happen.
I'll keep this book because I can forsee that in the future I'll need reminders from all of the chapters about what I should be practicing as I lead.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Mousetraps and makeovers
Daniel Pink suggests that one of the six senses we are going to have to possess to make in the future is the sense of DESIGN. It’s not just about functionality; it’s also about whether or not it’s beautiful and whimsical.
“Ralph Waldo Emerson said that if you built a better mousetrap, the world would beat a path to your door. But in an age of abundance, nobody will come knocking unless your better mousetrap also appeals to the right side of the brain.”
“A study at Georgetown University found that even if the students, teachers, and educational approached remained the same, improving a school’s physical environment could increase test scores by as much as 11 percent”
How is our mousetrap (student ministry) appealing to the sense of design? Would a change in the physical environment in the room I teach in on Sundays allow students to remember 11 percent more of the message from the Word?
“Ralph Waldo Emerson said that if you built a better mousetrap, the world would beat a path to your door. But in an age of abundance, nobody will come knocking unless your better mousetrap also appeals to the right side of the brain.”
“A study at Georgetown University found that even if the students, teachers, and educational approached remained the same, improving a school’s physical environment could increase test scores by as much as 11 percent”
How is our mousetrap (student ministry) appealing to the sense of design? Would a change in the physical environment in the room I teach in on Sundays allow students to remember 11 percent more of the message from the Word?
A theology of hell

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
A Whole New Mind

1. Not just function but also Design.
2. Not just argument but also Story.
3. Not just focus but also Symphony.
4. Not just logic but also Empathy.
5. Not just seriousness but also Play.
6. Not just accumulation but also Meaning.
Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play and Meaning.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Skipping on

I am excited to partner with the leaders in both ministries this fall to help our students become faithful followers of Jesus Christ. It's a privilege to be in a position of leadership where you get the chance to work (skip) with so many people, from such diverse backgrounds to live the gospel out in front of students. It's going to be a great semester!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Jay Cutler & BroncosMANIA

And for those of you outside Broncos Land here's an article detailing how BroncosMANIA has arrived! I love football!
Getting their spiritual attention

What's the correlation in youth ministry? Are we busy teaching the Bible week in and week out like we've got their attention, or are we making a huge mistake? What does it mean to teach like you don't have their attention? How much will this multitasking generation change the way youth pastors communicate? How much more, because of their multitasking, do they need to be consistently fed from the Word of God week in and week out?
The thought that's continually running through my mind as to the first place begin is that the Word isn't going to get their attention until it has mine!
Friday, August 11, 2006
A moment of silence please

I am pumped to see Cutler get a lot of snaps tonight. I am excited to see Mike Bell, our undrafted running back, start the game and get a lot of snaps!
Dorm room essentials

Thursday, August 10, 2006
Foolish Things

Check them out!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
A letter from 1995

Seeing that letter reminded me that I’ve got things in my life that I’ve kept to remind me of people, times and places. I still have the journal I wrote when I met my birth parents in the 1993. I still have the first letter I wrote Julie that moved our friendship into a dating relationship. More recently I have three rocks sitting on my desk that I collected at a retreat I was speaking at in Olympia with Seth. I spent part of my solitude on the beach praying for my three kids. Adah was in the womb. I remember God touching my heart in a special way about the privilege it is to be a father. I grabbed three rocks off the beach so I would never forget that time!
What do you have lying around and what's the story behind it?
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Competitive Parenting

In the context of this article the neighbor starts complaining about how he needs to get “performance-enhancement specialists” for his kids!
These two thoughts have led me to this thought. Since parenting is the most viciously competitive sport and the hardest, but potentially the most rewarding thing you’ll do in life, why don’t more parents see youth ministries and youth pastors and “heart-enhancement specialists” for their kids? Why will families pay big bucks for athletic performance and neglect the performance of their children’s hearts by allowing on a consistent basis their children to "skip" church?
Sure we want our kids to thank us for everything, but included in that thanks must be a grateful heart towards what we did to proactively shape their spiritual lives.
I want to be part of a youth ministry that is taking the most viciously competitive sport and screaming from the sidelines, “We’re here! We’re right here walking alongside of you, behind you and in front of you as you compete. We’re teaching the Word of God when you drop your kids off! We’re making prayer a priority! We’re encouraging your students to develop and intimate love for God and others! We're working hard at making a difference in the school system and our community. And most importantly, we want you to know that because you’re going to stand before God and answer for what you did to spiritually train your kids, we’re here to serve you!”
Monday, August 07, 2006
Eternal Laundry

An old friend and being a Watchman
This weekend I got the privilege to hang out with an old friend. Phil brought his family out from Minnesota for the weekend. He’s a movie buff and works in the food industry. He’s also the brother of my friend Tim. Seeing him this weekend reminded of my senior year in high school. Phil, Chris, Frohl and myself met every week (almost) for our Watchmen prayer group. I still remember leaving Frontroom Pizza late on Fridays or Saturdays and heading to Chris’ house for prayer and accountability. I remember this verse grabbing my heart to start this group,
Isaiah 62:6 “ 6 I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest,”
I am praying for watchmen in our high school ministry this fall!!!!
Isaiah 62:6 “ 6 I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest,”
I am praying for watchmen in our high school ministry this fall!!!!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Seeing seeds sprout

I've seen it play out in my life since I've been home from Poland. I've been planting the priority of prayer, and time in the Word and I am starting to see patience sprout instead of anger. I'm barely above the soil. I'm grateful to see some light. I can't wait to see which students in our ministry are going to get above the soil this year!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Building a new team
We’ve got two out of the three positions hired to help us create out new team in student ministries. We’ve hired an administrative assistant (Carey), and a ministry assistant (Kelly)! Both of these ladies have hit the ground running and I am so excited to have them as a part of our team. What’s more, we’re looking for a new Middle School Director which we are hoping to complete in the next two weeks.
It’s a new era and I am excited to build a new team. There are three things we are looking for: character, chemistry and competency. Character is who you are when no one is looking. Chemistry is your personality and what drives you. Competency is being able to git r done with a high level of excellence and achievement. It's going to be an exciting year!
It’s a new era and I am excited to build a new team. There are three things we are looking for: character, chemistry and competency. Character is who you are when no one is looking. Chemistry is your personality and what drives you. Competency is being able to git r done with a high level of excellence and achievement. It's going to be an exciting year!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
One little two little three little youth pastors
I just realized this week that we will have FIVE new youth pastors in our southwest connection of youth pastors this fall. Five of our churches have new guys! I am so excited to get to know the new guys that God has called to partner with me and the other brothers and sisters in this community.
Why is there so much transition in youth ministry? When is it time to go? How long should you stay before you know that it’s not a fit? I know there are definitely valid reasons to leave but how impressive is a resume of a youth pastor that’s been to four churches in 9 years? Thoughts? I'll post some thoughts later, but what are yours?
Why is there so much transition in youth ministry? When is it time to go? How long should you stay before you know that it’s not a fit? I know there are definitely valid reasons to leave but how impressive is a resume of a youth pastor that’s been to four churches in 9 years? Thoughts? I'll post some thoughts later, but what are yours?
One Year of Blogging

I am looking forward to another year!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Dreaming about the direction of youth ministry in the EFCA

One of the many things we wrestled with is how to we take our denominations 10 Leading Indicators of a Healthy Church and merge them into student ministries. The discussion was lively and engaging. We spent a lot of time talking about the value of creating training that would address how to implement each of the indicators into student ministry in the local church. Take a look at the indicators here. These indicators fall into one of the three areas we would like to address across the nation: Ministry Health, Personal Health and Leadership Development. We want all of our leaders in the 19 districts to be thinking in these categories as it relates to having healthy youth pastors in healthy youth ministries across the country. Here’s how it breaks down.
Ministry Health
10 Leading Indicators
Personal Health
Connect w/ God, self, spouse
Leadership Development
Training and Coaching
As I reflect more on these areas I’ll “throw up” some thoughts! It was good to be here in Minnesota but I am looking forward to being HOME tonight!
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