Thursday, September 11, 2008

Biblical theology for conflict resolution

Below is what our presenters offer as the 4 G's of creating a biblical theology for conflict resolution. It's a little different than the Rock 'Em Sock 'Em toy my boys played with last year.

Glorify God - 1 Corinthians 10:31
- How can I please and honor God in this situation?

Get the Log Out - Matthew 7:5
- How can I show Jesus at work in me by taking responsibility for my contribution to the conflict?

Gently - Galatians 6:1
- How can I lovingly serve others by helping them take responsibility for their contribution to this conflict?

Go and be Reconciled - Matthew 5:23-24
- How can I demonstrate the forgiveness of God?

Do our student ministries have a biblical theology for conflict resolution? With our paid staff? With our volunteers? With our parents? In our equipping of our students? Are we being proactive or reactive when it comes to dealing with conflict? Do we wait for it to get to the Rock 'Em Sock 'Em stage? I am grateful to have this on my plate to wrestle with this fall. What does your biblical theology for conflict resolution look like?


Morgan Le Green said...

I like these guidelines because it points us back to the great commandment - loving God and loving others.

Dan Luebcke said...

Morgan, thanks for the great reminder that if we would choose to live out this commandment a lot of conflict would never rise to the surface!