Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Start with time

As I come upon a new fall season I am going through my leadership file to refocus and get ready for what I believe is going to be an amazing year in our student ministry!

I came across this quote from Peter Drucker, "Effective leaders don't start with their tasks, but with TIME!"

For me, that means that Monday mornings are going to be about organizing my time for the week. I am going to take a half day once a month to look towards the month, quarter and year ahead.


Alice Robbins said...

Thanks for the reminder! I have wasted so much of it this last week, because I have not been taking time to organize my time! Hope things are going well! Your year is about to start again! I get to wait until the end of September!

Trevor said...

Sorry, I didn't schedule any time to comment on your blog.