Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Betting on change

“There are two kinds of organizations. One kind likes to be on the cutting edge, to do what hasn’t been done before, to embrace the new. The other kind fears that, and holds back to allow someone else to go first. Betting on change is always the safest bet available.” - excerpt from The Big Moo, Seth Godin

How is change the safest bet? What should change? How do you know if your church is embracing the new or holding back? In the context of youth ministry, what needs to change? I am sure the list could be huge. I'll get it started and I would love to hear your thoughts.

The first change we need to make in student ministry is...to quit calling students to join our groups and start calling them to die for His Kingdom.


Alice Robbins said...

Amen! I reread, "The Quest for Christ,Discipling Today's Young Adult". Great stuff that echos what you wrote. Polish youth are the same. They want something or something to die for, not to join another religion! See you soon!

Unknown said...

Teach students to be near Jesus rather than how to try and make choices like him

Dan Luebcke said...

Jesse, I am intrigued by your change...can you expand on it for me? thanks bro

Dan Luebcke said...

Alice, great read. Thanks for contributing that book title here on the blog. I need to re-read it. I am curious as to what this looks like in a different culture. Do you see any differences?