Friday, August 19, 2005

The Most Passionate People in the Church

I have started my second read of this book. I want to share with you a quote that comes in the introduction. "...the adolescent brain is wired for passion; young people feel it in their bones, proclaim it in their hopes and their hormones, act out its power and herald its promise for the imprecise art of human life." This is a must read!

I remember reading a report this past year that said the group of teenagers in the U.S. today is close to 80 million. The Echo Boomers, the next great generation has arrived on the scene and we, the church, need to seriously consider what role we are allowing the next great generation, the most passionate people in the church to play.

Just a thought...what would the bride of Jesus Christ look like if the group of people who are wired to live for passion had a dominate voice in praising and proclaiming the PASSION, Jesus? How would our youth ministries look different? How would our corporate worship services be different? How would we spend our money different?

I have to admit my bias, I think this is the most important age to work with in the church. Now I know that the church is made up of a lot of generations, but I don't want to ever lose sight of the fact that these wired teenagers have the capabilitiy to unleash passion in the church unlike any other age group in the church. In everything they do, they are screaming for a passion to live for!

Just sit back and think how many students exist that are wired for passion. Then think about what would happen to the world if those 80+ million encountered the passion of Jesus and dropped their ipods and follwed him!