Friday, March 02, 2007

Blomberg on the Bones

Dr. Craig Blomberg has an excellent article on the Denver Seminary website about the recent news of the Savior's bones having been discovered, "Did They Really Find Jesus’ Bones?"

This is an awesome read and it's something our students should be reading so they have information as they interact with their friends at school. Thanks Dr. B!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link!

Dan Luebcke said...

You bet bro. Hope things are well. Send me an email and let me know what's up!

Alice Robbins said...

Bones? What bones? How can you have bones when you rose again in bodily form? Oh, yeah, that's right, you have to believe they are Jesus' bones. . . faith. . . is isn't just for Christ followers, but also for Christ bashers. . . .
