Friday, February 02, 2007

The coldest day ever

That's right. This morning it was the coldest it's ever been. Minus 18 degrees. That's without windchill. I was shoveling the driveway at 6:00 a.m. and I will vouch for the COLD.

This cold weather, snow for 7 straight weeks, has been awesome for one reason in particular, I've been able to spend a lot of time with my boys shoveling! We've created so many memories, but one will stick out to me forever that has happened every time we grabbed our shovels.

After we've finished our driveway and sidewalk Noah asks, "Now who can we help?" Sure he wants to keep shoveling and stay outside, but there is something inside this kid and it moves me. It's absolutely wonderful! Hearing this again last night made me think about our students. They've all got a part of them that looks like this, they want to help. The food drive, Monday Missions, working in the Compa Food warehouse, ushering in church, planning events, reaching out to those in our group who are on the fringe, cleaning and elderly woman's home, spending time in a nursing home and feeding the homeless at Jesus to the World.

It may be the coldest day ever, but it can't freeze the heart.