Monday, September 18, 2006

Broncos - Week 2

It wasn't pretty, but were not 0-2 this morning! We had a great time at the game with the people we went with! The game was...shall we say, "Uneventful!" This picture was taken just before we sang the national anthem.

Here's one take away from the game. I think the Broncos miss Gary Kubiak. Then some fans started cheering for Jay Cutler. Obviously they were completely drunk because no one in their right mind should be cheering for Cutler during the second game to get on the field. We need Plummer to have a great year. We need to let Jay get comfortable with NFL life and the playbook! 2007 will be Jay's time to get on the field, this is his year to get ready! The Patriots are waiting on NBC Sunday night this week!