Monday, September 11, 2006

Taking in the moment

This week I was reminded that I need to stop sometimes and take in the moment. Josiah reminded me of this week when all of the sudden he dropped his toys, ran out the back door and then back in after about 20 seconds. I asked him what he was doing and he said, “Just for a minute, I go outside and feel the rain.”

It doesn’t rain much here so Josiah thought somewhere in his tiny little brain while he was playing superheroes with legos that he better stop what he was doing and go feel the rain. As he ran past me back into the room I smiled and thanked God for that moment. I put down the dishes and walked out the back door. He was right…it was raining!


Anonymous said...

I spent 10+ years of my life babysitting and nannying and I'm still amazed at the things kids say and do. Why is it that we forget those things on the path to growing up?!

Dan Luebcke said...

No clue...I just wanted to get the dishes done! Thanks for the comment! :)