Saturday, May 24, 2008

Unbelievable grace

God's unbelievable grace given to us - James 4:6 "But God gives us a greater grace..."

“To see a slave beaten and corrected, it argues a fault committed; but yet perhaps the demerit of it was not very great. The correction of a son argues a great provocation; that of an only son, the greatest imaginable. Never was sin seen to be more abominably sinful and full of provocation, than when the burden of it was upon the shoulders of the Son of God. God having made his Son, the Son of his love, his only begotten, full of grace and truth, sin for us, to manifest his indignation against it, and how utterly impossible it is that he should let the least sin go unpunished, he lays hand on him, and spares him not.”

- John Owen, Communion with God from The Works of John Owen (Banner of Truth), 2:96.