Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Notability for HIM

Seth Godin had an excellent post that got me thinking,

"I got a note from a friend about a co-worker that brilliantly summed up the chasm facing marketers today: I believe she is good at the standard but limited in considering the notable"

So many student ministry workers are good at the standard.
So many student ministry workers can run the programs.
So many student ministry workers are just good.
So many student ministry workers consider the notable.
So many student ministry workers consider the notable for their promotion.
So many student ministry workers consider the notable to look important to their peers, etc...

Where are the student ministry workers who are tired of the standard and breakout in considering the notable for the Glory of God? Where are those that aren't considering the notable for their self-glorification, but genuinely shining a light on HIM. Where are the student ministry workers who are considering the notability of the God whom we "move in and have our being?" Where are the youth worker's who are more concerned about the notability of the their King who said He would build His earthly church and could easily replace us? Where is the notability of God shining in our ministries to students?