Friday, October 12, 2007

Parents of our students

Wednesday of this week I met with several of our high school parents to pray and talk through some things while their kids were in i2i groups around the church. It was awesome! They were engaging, full of ideas, their prayers for our ministry were thoughtful and I think we all walked away with this one purpose:

We are a team that needs to be working together to help our high school students become faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

We've got a great team!


Anonymous said...

It was a great time and the prayers were very meaningful and helpful.
One in particular about learning as a parent what you need to let go of really hit home and hearing another parent pray about it and know it was a struggle for them too made me feel better.

Thanks Dan and have an amazing weekend with the seniors.

Dan Luebcke said...

Hey Kelly,

Thanks for taking the time to read the blog and post a comment. I really appreciate you sharing how the prayer of another parent touched your heart. I am excited for the weekend!