Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe Movie Review

I feel tremendously blessed to have had the privilege to see this movie yesterday. I was one of the guests of my friend Rich Van Pelt.

After I gave them my phone because it had a camera in it I headed into the theater and watched an unbelievable movie. We all knew it would be awesome, didn't we?

I found myself all throughout the movie seeing the story of My King being played out in the imaginary land of Narnia. All throughout the movie I saw the story of God and it gave me chills. I sat on the edge of my seat most of the time anticipating the story and watching it unfold just like it did in the book.

Here are some thoughts...

1. I couldn't help but think the whole time of what C.S. Lewis would have thought of the movie. I was picturing him sitting next to me saying, "Yes! That is exactly what I imagined!"... OR... "You know what? I never thought of it looking like that!"

2. When Lucy walked through the bedroom door and saw the wardrobe the whole crowd lifted in their seats. I thought to myself, "Here we go!"

3. The Beaver's were awesome! They provided great humor and it was done very appropriately.

4. I love in the book how Lewis describes how the children reacted when they first heard the name Aslan. Just the sound of his name caused movement internally. In the movie it was great because Mr. Beaver said his name and the camera panned to each child and you could tell they were moved. It was awesome.

5. The digital animation was appropriate and fairly believable. It reminded me of the animation from Lord of the Rings. So I am calling this movie, "Lord of the Rings for Kids!"

6. The death of Aslan is powerful and well done. The whole time I was reflecting back on The Passion of the Christ and Jesus' ascent to His death. It was a moving scene that clearly portrayed the sacrifice that was to be made.

7. When Aslan kills the White Witch it is awesome! Dude!

8. Finally, when the four children get their crowns in the end it reminded me how those who are "In Christ" will be joint heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven!

For as much anticipation as The Passion got this should get more. This movie will spark all kinds of conversations that I pray God will use to draw millions to Himself. It will be and should be the movie that gets translated into languages and shown in villages all across the world!

It made me think about leaving a legacy. Did C.S. Lewis ever imagine what his King Aslan would do with this story? That His King would use one of the most dominate currencies of the culture to tell the story of God in a land that feels so much like home!


Pat R said...

Hi Dan,

There are those who apparently agree with you about it being translated and shown around the world. It opened in Spain yesterday too! I haven't seen it yet. I can't decide if I want my first viewing to be in Spanish!

Love your blogs,