Wednesday, December 21, 2005

TNIV - 3

I have the privilege of teaching our high school students each week from the Word of God. Our current series is an in-depth look at Romans 8. We are spending 8 weeks on it and we could probably spend 16 weeks on it as it is packed full of theology.

Speaking of theology, as I mentioned earlier I bought a TNIV and I am starting to read it for my own personal time in the Word and also using it up against the NIV as I prepare to teach Romans 8.

This past week I came across a difference that I have been working through. My text was Romans 12-17. My issue with the TNIV came in verse 14.

NIV - "because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God."

TNIV - "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God."

The greek word for "sons" is "huios" and it has been changed to "children." It's interesting to note that the TNIV translation is true. Women aren't sons of God, but they are daughters of God. Therefore the word "children" which is used isn't wrong, but I think it makes it harder to understand this all-important theological truth, to be a "son" of God. To be sure we are all children of God but the use of the word "sons" isn't meant to exclude women, but include the fact that we possess something that the Son of God has. The deeper truth here is that those who are the children of God are not only His children but they experience something similar to that of what the Son of God experienced in His relationship with God, the Father. Mainly, that we can cry out "Abba," or "Daddy" just like Jesus was able to do on this Earth which comes in verse 15.

I am not a Greek scholar. My Greek New Testament is on the shelf.

I am pondering, does the TNIV allow the reader to gain the fullest understanding of the intimacy God desires to have with His children on just a surface read? We have access to God as our daddy, in the same dimension Jesus had access to God as His daddy. So when read we are "sons of God" our hearts are triggered to the deeper understanding in the next verse that we are a child and we, in some way, have access to God just like Jesus! This use of the word "sons" fits Paul's expectation later in the text that we be conformed to the image of his Son (v.28). So when the TNIV changes it to children it seems they are making it harder to make that Pauline distinction that he desire for us to know!

Anyway, just a difference I came across as I am on my journey of reading through the TNIV!

Any thoughts?


Pat R said...

I'm not sure if your feelings on this issue are because you're a guy or because of your theological training, but I disagree with you on this. Saying children instead of sons takes me to a deeper level of intimacy. I'm more likely to think of God as Daddy with a reference to children. When I read sons, I usually have to add, or daughters, to get to that place. So I prefer the gender inclusive version in this case.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this issue. I was interested to read Dr. Blomberg's article and will continue to follow your blogs regarding this issue, and others as well.

Merry Christmas to you and Julie and the boys (and maybe girl?). My kids are here! They're asleep, but they're here. :-)

Love you.

Dan Luebcke said...

Good thoughts. I agree with you and therein lie my tension. The children word usage is better in the sense of understanding the intimacy but it makes it more difficult to connect the fact that we, as His children, based on the word sons, can know that we are in "somewhat" of the same position as Jesus which is also a very powerful theological truth too!