Tuesday, May 23, 2006


A big thanks to my sister-in-law for the link to this Article out of the Onion, "Report: More Kids Being Home-churched." I realize this is old news but I just read this today!

Absolutely priceless!

Here's my favority quote, "Tucker said he was inspired to home-church when his 10-year old son Macon returned from Sunday school singing a lighthearted song about Zacchaeus, a tax collector befriended by Christ, and then later recited the parable of the Good Samaritan."

Not only is this pricless, but it's sad. My hearts desire is for the families in our church to know that our church is there to walk alongside of them, partnering with them to help their children become faithful followers of Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

ok, this article takes the cake! It was almost absurd enough for me to ask if it was a spoof on "ultra-conservative Christians." It's right along the lines of those people who claim to be Christians, but shout down hell and damnation on anyone who doesn't live completely under the absolute wrath of God - like that crazy lady on Hannity & Colmes - protesting military funerals, dwelling on the wrath of God... I could go on... Truly heartbreaking, but it points out the need for Christian community and why God created us to be in community. I am thankful to God for the community of people in my life who help me to discern the truth.

Dan Luebcke said...

Good take Kristen, I agree with your conclusion as well. The family is the primary discipler of their kids, but I sure do desire our families to be rubbing shoulders with other families singing songs about a wee little man in a tree and reciting parables!!!!!!