Friday, September 14, 2007

Earl Creps - 1st Message

Here are some thoughts from Earl's first message - "The Discipline of Sacred Realism"

1. Instead of doing ministries to achieve Christianity we need to start doing Christianity to accomplish ministries.
2. What if ministry was the outcomes not the means? What if faith was the means?
3. We have been equipped to reach a convenient culture.
4. People we are reaching are asking two questions: "Does faith make you a better or worse person (righteousness)? Is Jesus the only way (truth)? He defines this as compound spirituality.
5. “Sacred Realism: the discipline of holding the truth in one hand and faith in the other…Most of us think about how we can change the culture. Sacred realism gives culture a chance to change us.”

Some of my thoughts:

1. I am guilty of #1. I repent.
2. I've been wrestling with how my ministry would look different if faith was truly the means. What would I start doing? What would I stop doing? Who would do it?
3. What ministries have I created that are convenient to reach my convenient students? What needs to be developed to reach those that aren't convenient? Which would Jesus reach first?
5. Culture should change us. I think Earl is in his fifties or late 40's. How many of our church leaders in their fifties believe this, are asking this of themselves, their leaders and their church?


Philip Hodges said...

sorry you didn't stop by when you came up here.

Dan Luebcke said...

Hey bro! Next time there will be more time! Hope you're doing well brother!