"He chooses fools to live foolishly in order to reveal the economy of heaven, which reserves and inverts the wisdom of this world. He calls us to brokenness, not performance; to relationships, not commotion; to grace, not success."
This week I have been challenged to look across the scope of student ministry in our spiritual community and search for the priority of brokenness, relationships, and grace. Not in our students, or leaders, but in me.
I've haven't found much brokenness. I haven't found much grace. I have found relationships. I have found performance. Could it be possible that a leadership style from the student ministry pastor that exhibited more brokenness and grace would spur more of their students towards the cross and new life would birth? What happens when our students only see performance, commotion and success? What would happen to the culture of a student ministry if all of the leaders kept relationships as the priority and added brokenness and grace?
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