Tuesday, November 08, 2005

God's Incredibles - Elijah

This week I complete teaching on the life of Elijah to our high school students! He was truly one of God's Incredibles!

This week I am attempting to sum up what we have studied that last nine weeks! The thought keeps going through my mind, "How can I do this in 35 minutes?"

Anyway, what has struck me this week is the privilege I have had to spend 9 weeks out of this year studying a man who lived an incredible life of faith and had a nature just like me! A nature just like you!

James tells us about how Elijah is just like you and me in 5:17 "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours..."

I want to be a person who takes that same nature and have it result in the same action. A life of faith in action. A life of listening to the Word of the Lord. A life of prayer. A life of faith. A life that trusted God in front of a King. A life that trusted God in the Ravine. A life that trusted that a widow was worth ministering to. A life that believed the sick could be healed. A life that believed that God would reign down fire from heaven. A life that was saturated in prayer to the point that the weather could change. A life that confronts the sinner. And ultimately, a life, when it was his time to go, allowed the story to continue through the life of Elisha!

Now that's putting your nature into action!