Thursday, August 23, 2007

Illusion of leadership

In Leading With A Limp, Allender suggests that this is what most of us want in a leader,

"...a leader must be physically attractive, fluent public speakers with a firm command of their audience, well-educated, open, sincere, humble, salt-of-the-earth people able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, leaders who never forget their humble beginning or the values and convictions of those they represent. We expect a leader to make tough decisions - to fire his close friend if necessary or to send troops into harm's way - yet we want him to tear up over a sad story and be sentimental on Mother's Day."

And then finally Allender's conclusion, which has caused me long moments of thought and contemplation about myself, what I expect out of leaders I follow, and what our spiritual community at Southern Gables expects out of our new Senior Pastor,

"What we want is an illusion and we know it. We prefer the illusion because we have a deep need to be buffered from reality."