Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What makes students tick

MSN ran this article yesterday, "Youths’ stuff of happiness may surprise parents" and it suggests that the number one thing that makes students 13-24 happy is spending time with their family! To the youth worker this should come as NO surprise. The parents of our student matter! They matter so much that we need to take a look at our programming and make sure that what we are doing isn't taking our students away from their families. In our context it looks like this:

- Nothing on Sunday afternoons and nights.
- Cancel Wednesday nights the two weeks before school starts.
- Cancel Wednesday nights the last three weeks of December so our students can finish all their work and spend time with their families over the holidays.
- Cancel Wednesday nights the last three weeks of May so students can finish school well.
- End our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening on time.
- Weekly prayer email to keep them up to date on what's happening.
- Updated website.

Our goal is to come alongside families and serve them to help their students become faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Maybe a plan for this fall should include the question, "Does our programming reflect the priority that we value our students having time with their families?"


Alice Robbins said...

Dude! Hey, I do not get you prayer email anymore. Can you put me on it?

Thanks for your note. This is my last week and I want to finish STRONG, though the temptation to slide is GREAT! I have my BIG test on Saturday morning! Ahh! School 6 days a week! YUCK!


Sarah said...

I'll take any and all help with my yard! You can even come over and put your advice into action! :) I enjoyed keeping up with your family vacation on your blog! I think we were in 'sconsin at the same time!

Dan Luebcke said...

A-Rob! Great to hear from you. Carey should be getting it to you soon! I'll be praying for your BIG test!

Sarah! My first fish boil was epic!