Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Off-Road Disciplines

I started another book this week! Off-Road Disciplines by Earl Creps. I made it through the introduction and 1st chapter today. GREAT STUFF!

The first personal discipline he suggests you should possess is Death: The Discipline of Personal Transformation. Several things grabbed me in these chapters.

Question - How can I be changed so that others will find me worth following in mission?

Statement - My best practice must be me.

The changing inside of me must become my best practice and this happens only through death. Death is the first off-road discipline. New life will begin and often emerges from some kind of death. Crucifying aspects of my culture, leadership and spirituality are the death Creps is talking about. So as I sat in Panera today reading I was contemplating where I need to die. At that point I hit the decaf becuase my blood pressure was rising.