Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Big Moo - 1

Stop Trying to Be Perfect and Start Being Remarkable! That's what Seth Godin is promoting in the book he edited which contains 33 different authors who give their thoughts on how to create the BIG MOO!

A big moo is something remarkable, something that completely changes the game!

The book has a website - The Big Moo.

All of the authors are donating the proceeds of this book.

You can learn more about the 33 authors HERE!

I love how Seth states pursuing the Big Moo.

"There isn't a logical, proven, step-by-step formula you can follow. Instead, there's a chaotic path through the woods, a path that includes side routes encompassing customer service, unconventional dedication, unparalleled leadership, and daring to dream. Is this a path worth staying on? Only if you want to grow. Only if you're tired of being a cog..."

I wonder which chaotic path this book will take me through? I wonder how I will grow personally? I wonder what I will find out about my student ministry? My church?

I can't wait to grow!