Monday, February 20, 2006

Esther 2:1-18

"God's Choice for Queen of Persia!"

Chapter 2 of Esther has to be one of the most fascinating narratives in the Old Testament. We dove head first this past Sunday into finding out how Esther became God's choice for Queen.

In a land that hated God and his people we find God moving behind the scenes again here in chapter 2. Why doesn't the King replace the Queen with someone of nobility? Why does he bring in 400 virgins from all over the land?

We meet Mordecai and Esther in this narrative. Mordecai adopts Esther after her mother and father died. Can you imagine being orphaned in a land that wanted to get rid of your kind of people? Can you imagine being taken into the Harem of the King that wanted to get rid of your people? It's interesting to note in this narrative that the passive voice is used in several Hebrew words as it relates to Esther. We find a woman who is very passive and is simply the result of other peoples choices.

So how is this Jewish girl going to be out 399 other virgins to win the King's favor? Outward beauty & a night with the King?! No way! God doesn't use those things to bring about His will, does He? He uses men like Joseph who resist temptation. He uses men like Daniel who don't obey the King.

Here we find Esther gaining influence with the eunuch in charge of her and ultimately with the King himself! She wins! God wins!

It's interesting to note in this narrative the clash of two Kings, Almighty God and Xerxes. We find this out about Xerxes in chapter 1: 4, "For a full 180 days he displayed the vast wealth of his kingdom and the splendor and glory of his majesty." Notice how Xerxes is flaunting himself! He truly believes that the story is all about him! But there is something he doesn't know! There is a King that is above all KINGS and we find out about him in 2 Chronicles 29:11 "Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all."

What Xerxes doesn't know is that there is a God working in the land. There is a God who will not forget the covenant with his people and wants nothing more than to provide a way out when the deck is stacked against them. He will use any and all means necessary to accomplish HIS MISSION.

I think it's so hard for us to live with this tension. That God doesn't always use moments like Daniel and Joseph had to accomplish His will. He uses moments like Esther, and if we were completely honest with ourselves we would admit that we see God using us more like he did Esther rather than Joseph! Not literally, but with the sense that He is somewhere behind the scenes working all things for His good.

I closed our time with a story of two college kids getting drunk and then having sex 33 years ago in a college dorm room. It was there first and only date. Why is this significant? It's how my life started!

And somehow, in some mysterious way, God is using it to bring glory to himself!