Saturday, March 04, 2006

Godin - The "Go Up" Factor

In light of my post on seeking to bring about change in our student ministry - HERE - I found this thought provoking post by Seth Godin. He is talking about the "go up" factors that people are marketing that are causing growth in business.

"Why Wouldn't They"

I am looking to grow in our ministry so what are the "go up" factors? For me, going up isn't having the largest ministry in the area, rather it's making more disciples who make more disciples in the context of the three steps Walt suggested in chapter 2.

Here's one of Seth's cautions and one of his challenges as it relates to deciding to "go up."

Caution - "The "go up" equation is complicated by the fact that every go up comes with a hint of "fall down."

Challenge- "It's really easy to underestimate how afraid people are of even the tiniest changes--especially in areas where they're already a little uncomfortable. The best response may not be to reiterate the "go up" benefits. It might be to amplify the risks of doing nothing."

I like this challenge!