Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Can parents actually be cool?

USA Today ran an interesting article today about the parenting trends among Gen X parents.

"Gen X parents sharing more with kids"

"People who study generational differences say many Gen Xers want a closer relationship with their kids than what they experienced — they're less interested in climbing to the top of the corporate ladder if it means giving up family time. Gen Xers matured at a time when the divorce rate was soaring and working parents were away from their children for more hours than any prior generation."

It's interesting to think about this being "new"...parents actually wanting to spend time with their kids. I think one of the differences is that Gen X parents want to engage not just their kids, but also the culture their kids are living in.


Trevor said...

Praise the Lord if it's true!

Dan Luebcke said...

I think it's true. I would love to dialogue more about how you can be cool (relevant) and still be the authority figure. I mean, you can't be boarding, dropping the f-bomb and then head to parent teacher conferences and tell the teacher you will start making your kid do their homework...can you?

Tim said...

You definitely can't be kicking them in the groin when they hit you in the face with a dodgeball...