Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday - Father Forgive Them

Today I am grateful for forgiveness. There is so much to be thankful for today because of what the death of Jesus provided for us. In theological circles there are theories of what the atonement on the cross means. But today, my heart is simply grateful for the forgiveness Jesus extends because of the Cross.

What is grabbing my heart today is the ability I have to forgive because He forgave me. I must forgive those who sin against me because the yoke of the Rabbi I follow was to forgive those who sinned against Him. He made it pretty clear in the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant that if you don't forgive others Jesus won't forgive you.

All this came to a climax this morning when I read this article in the Boston Herald. It's the story of a five-year-old forgiving the man who shot her and paralyzed her from the chest down. Everyone was moved to tears in the courtroom as they watched grace and forgiveness flow from the lips of a little girl. I believe this little girl was able to forgive because of what happened today. I believe I will be able to forgive tomorrow and the next day because of what happened today.