Monday, April 10, 2006


Dateline NBC ran a great story last night on the dangers some of our students face by being a part of MySpace. They had a police officer conducting the experiment to show the dangers!

This video is imperative for anyone who knows a teenager who is on MySpace. Watch it!

One interesting note that we have been batting around the office this morning is how students are oblivious to the dangers. They think they are safe giving out their full names, where they go to school, cell phone numbers, where they live, where they are meeting their friends, etc... They think the surveys and the bulletins are harmless!

Teenage students still need adults in their lives who think critically. Yes, they are moving from concrete to abstract thinking but they don't understand the world from our perspective. Students need our perspective. Students need our eyes on their MySpace pages. Students need our input. They need to know that their space isn't just their space. It's everyone's space! It's priceless to see the girls interact with the detective.

If you know a student go to this link and find their page. Don't just look at the page and shake your head, rather, pick up the phone or send them an email and get together and talk about what's going on in their cyber world.