Friday, April 21, 2006

Columbine Remembered - The Sermon

We have posted this on the front of our web page:

In Remembrance of Columbine

April 20 was the 7th anniversary of that tragic day at Columbine High School where 12 students and one teacher were killed. The following Sunday many pastors across the country knew the need to address the problem of the presence of such evil in a world over which God is sovereign. So we don't forget that this story is part of our story in this community, here's Pastor Nelson's sermon from that Sunday.

Pastor Nelson focused on this question, “How can I hold to the goodness of God and the sovereign control of God in a world filled with so much evil?”He suggested we do at least three things:

Wrestle, Look & Pray!

I never want to stop wrestling. I never want to stop looking at the evidence. I never want to stop praying.