Thursday, May 31, 2007

Switching it off

I am going on sabbatical July 16-September 16, 2007. I can't wait. Scot McKnight pointed me to this article, Exhaustion: the modern malady and it asked a question that is haunting me as I draw closer to it,

"Could it be that we are scared of switching off?"

I am honestly wrestling with this. Sure I am talking about how I can't wait to switch it off, but I truly wonder what it's going to be like to switch off the FULL-TIME, POUND OUT THE HOURS, mentality while I am on sabbatical. There is no question that I have been scared to switch off since I started in full-time ministry.


Unknown said...

Definitely scared of switching it off. Yesterday I drove 800 miles and all day I just wanted to get online and be "connected." I thought and mulled over ministry stuff and made a list of emails to send when I got to my vacation destination. And that was just one day. I can't imagine a sabbatical. What are you going to do all day?

Dan Luebcke said...


Great comment bro and a great question. Honestly, I think it's going to take me a couple of weeks to "de-program" so we are getting out of town. When I come home I will be working on various projects...more on that later. Not sure if this is true for you, but the quality of my relationship with my wife is a great barometer.