Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Choosing To Cheat

I read this book on the plane from Chicago to Krakow. I love the subtitle “Who wins when family and work collide?” So I had to answer the question before I opened the book.

I really loved this book and it challenged me again to remember that more than I want to admit my work cheats on family time and my marriage and children lose because of it. I think the book is biblical, practical and extremely convicting. It will be one I recommend every youth pastor read in our district this up and coming year. In fact, I will probably go through it every summer to remind me of the point! This book is a must read, plus it's short fellas!

Here’s my big take home. After I read the book I realized that I couldn’t be the one to answer the subtitle. Rather, when the question is asked I need to think about how my wife would answer it and then ask her!


Anonymous said...

I heard Stanley speak on this a few years back before he turned it into a book. Wow. I try to listen to it once a year.


Dan Luebcke said...

You are right on...for me this is a must read once a year!