Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Treasure Hunters

I am finally caught up on watching all the episodes of Treasures Hunters (I love my DVR)! I love this show. Both Julie and I want Air Force to win! The pastor and his family got booted last night. You can’t serve God and money :)!


Anonymous said...

Love this show. I even like it better than AR because the physical challenges are so tough. Making those guys dig up dirt for 5 hours was amazing. We are big Air Force fans.

Dan Luebcke said...

Yeah bro...the guys digging in the dirt was awesome!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the concept in AR better when the teams leave in the same order and time difference as when they arrived at the pit stop. I know they eventually meet up again, but I think it does give the stronger teams an edge. In treasure hunters, I just think that all of them leaving at the same time isn't fair to those who did really well the day before.

Just some thoughts....Julie